124 W. Freistadt Road, P.O. Box 94 Thiensville, WI 53092 USA


Kenya – East Africa

Current Mission Updates

2024 Updates

How can others support this mission?

  • Supporting this mission can take various forms, and each contribution makes a difference. Here are some ways others can support the Fraternity’s mission:
    • Prayer: 🙏 Encourage others to pray for the success of the mission, the well-being of the priests, and the spiritual growth of the community. Prayer is a powerful force that sustains and uplifts.
    • Financial Support: Donations play a crucial role in sustaining the mission. Individuals can contribute financially to cover operational costs, support outreach programs, and provide resources for the parish community. Make a Donation- click here.

2023 Updates

  • Fr. Julio Rodriguez who worked for seven years in the Formation program in Guatemala, was assigned to serve at St. Jude Parish in Bura Tana, Diocese of Garissa, Kenya.

2022 Updates

  • The construction of a new worship site is now complete at the St. Jude Catholic Church. Garissa Diocese. The number of Catholics is increasing in a predominantly Muslim area.

2021 Updates

  • Kenya: In May 2021, two additional priests joined the missions in the Diocese of Garissa and Malindi Diocese

2019 Updates

 2018 Update

  • Our Mission began early in 2000 with three Fraternity seminarians (Onildo, Jose, and Pedro), when they finished their studies in Guatemala, they traveled to Kenya and were received by the priests of the St. Paul Community in Wema Parish (at that time Diocese of Garissa), now Wema belongs to Malindi Diocese.
  • After one year of experience as missionaries, learning the language and the Kenyan culture, the three seminarians were ordained Priests in Malindi, Malindi Diocese.
  • The blessings of God have been many in our mission in Kenya. Since the beginning, we have been in the Diocesis of Malindi, in the coast side of the country.
  • Two Mission areas, Lango Baya Catholic Mission and Mere Catholic Mission.  In both Missions mostly the populations are Guiriamas (one of the 44 tribes in Kenya)…
  • In the year of 2005, the Fraternity received a new mission in the Diocese of Garissa, in the St. Jude Catholic Parish in the District of Bura Tana.
Currently two priests (Fr. Ernesto Contreras and Fr. Julio Veliz) are working in this mission. St. Jude Parish.
Currently two priests (Fr. Ernesto Contreras and Fr. Julio Veliz) are working in this mission. St. Jude Parish.
Building the Catholic community through the Youth ministry 
Building the Catholic community through the Youth ministry
Fr. Alex Rodriguez working with community member to prepare the land to plant maiz. The fruits of evangelization come by example.
Fr. Alex Rodriguez worked with a community members to prepare the land to plant maiz. The fruits of evangelization come by example.

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