124 W. Freistadt Road, P.O. Box 94 Thiensville, WI 53092 USA


Current Mission Updates

Cuba Flag shaped like country – July 2024

2024 Updates

Welcome Cuba

  • Earlier this year, the Fraternity opened its new mission in Cuba, our first presence in that country.
  • Two of our missionary priests, Rev. Mario Villafuerte and Rev. Benjamin Galvez have been assigned to this mission. Located in Diocese of Pinar del Rio at the Minas de Matahambre Mission both priests see the need for evangelization.
  • This area has been underserved for many years and many prayers are requested as we try to renew the faith in this new experience.
  • Our missionary presence in this mission area has brought great hope for the local population. The perishers are happy to receive the sacraments and spiritual guidance.
  • As shown in the pictures above, Fr. Mario and Fr. Benjamin are building communities of faith through visiting the sick, reaching out the people in need of hearing the Gospel, and teaching Christian formation.

How can others support this mission?

  • Supporting this mission can take various forms, and each contribution makes a difference. Here are some ways others can support the Fraternity’s mission in Cuba:
    • Prayer: 🙏 Encourage others to pray for the success of the mission, the well-being of the priests, and the spiritual growth of the community. Prayer is a powerful force that sustains and uplifts.
    • Financial Support: Donations play a crucial role in sustaining the mission. Individuals can contribute financially to cover operational costs, support outreach programs, and provide resources for the parish community. Make a Donation- click here.

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