124 W. Freistadt Road, P.O. Box 94 Thiensville, WI 53092 USA

Did You Know…

MFM was the initial presence in Central America?

Yes, that is how it is! The Missionary Fraternity of Mary is the first
Missionary community of priests founded in Central America.
On May 10, 1985, the Fraternity began to exist canonically in the church.
Although the original purpose was only to serve the church’s needs in
Guatemala, very quickly from its beginnings it discovered the vocation to
serve the universal church. This 2024 will be 39 years since its founding
and the Fraternity has been growing both in the number of missionaries
and places of missionary presence.

MFM communicates in ten languages?

Yes, this is how it is! It is a wealth to have so many languages within our Fraternity.

As expected, Spanish is the predominant language since most of its members are Spanish speaking. Additionally, many members of our fraternity have some Mayan languages as their first language such as Kaqchikel,  Tz’utujil, and K’iche’. There is a priest from Panama who speaks Guaymi and one from Kenya who speaks Swahili. We also add the languages many missionaries have learned on the mission: French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Giriama (a Kenyan ethnical group), and Swahili. As you see at least 12 languages in which we can communicate with each other.

MFM training spans twelve years?

Yes, this is how it is! It would seem that there are many years but never enough to know the greatness of God.

1 year of “Vocational Discernment” This year is characterized by vocational retreats, encounters with the formators and so to know the candidates for the seminary.

1 year in “The Propaedeutic Stage” – “The Aspirancy.” This year sets the foundation for the later stages of seminary. The focus of this stage is based on an intensive life of prayer.

3 years in “The discipleship Stage”. Philosophical Studies. The goal is to grow in an intimate relationship as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is formed in meditation and contemplation of Jesus’ teachings.

1 year in “The Novitiate Stage”. This is the year to know the charisms and the spirituality of the Missionary Fraternity of Mary. To study The Constitution is at the base.

For Further details on the MFM Seminarian Experience – click here

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