124 W. Freistadt Road, P.O. Box 94 Thiensville, WI 53092 USA

Seminary Experience

Winter 2021 Update

God’s Call to Be Missionaries in Pandemic Times.

Jesus’ call is a continuous action of his love.  Since the first time when Jesus called his firsts disciples, he has called many through history to make them his priest. This divine call in different circumstances: through wars, persecution, economic uncertainty, and now through the COVID-19 pandemic. The future missionaries are men who are being formed through the heart of Christ to proclaim the Good News, shepherd and serve the people of God in a post-coronavirus world.

Since its beginning, the Missionary Fraternity of Mary has provided education and formation programs for those who have received God´s call to the priesthood. We have experienced different challenges that made us more confident in our missionary work among the poor and those with the need of the Gospel of Jesus.

  • Our program of formation involves several stages including Minor Seminary, Aspirancy, the Major Seminary (philosophical formation), the Novitiate, Major Seminary (theological formation), and the pastoral experience before receiving the sacred orders.
  • A young man who joins the Fraternity begins a process of 12 years in our formation programs. It is a long process but important because this process establishes the basis of the future missionaries sent to different places making the world different through the proclamation of Jesus’ Gospel.
  • It is a joy to share with you that in 2021 we have a total of 64 seminarians in the formation program.
  • A young man who joins the Fraternity begins a process of 12 years in our formation programs. A young man starts the formation process at about age 16.
  • Please consider supporting our seminarians – Click here to go to our donation page.

Level 1 – Minor Seminary (2 years)

The first level of formation takes place in the “Institute of Theology and Social Sciences Msgr. Angelico Melotto.” located in Guatemala City.

  • These two years of formation introduce young men to discern and to discover their vocation in life, not just the vocation to the priesthood but any vocation.
  • Through education, they discover that there is a way to be a better human being by living a vocation of service.
  • The human, academic, and spiritual formation brings them the possibilities to discern their vocation and the vocation of priesthood is introduced to them as a way to serve the church in the world.
  • At the conclusion of this period, they are invited to join the Fraternity on the next step, that is, the Aspirancy.
  • Regularly 8 out of 10 decide to join the following step in their formation at the Fraternity.
  • Currently (2021), we have in this level of formation 20 seminarians already registered but not yet on campus. The Education Minister of Guatemala due to the pandemic has decided to delay the time to start with the students at this level. They are between the ages of 16-18.
  • Two Priests lead this level in the formation program and are referred to as the Director and Assistant Director.

Level 2 – Aspirancy – Major Seminary (1 year)

  • The second level of formation takes place in the “Aspirancy Saint Bartholomew the Apostle” Located in San Lucas Sacatepéquez, Guatemala, 25 Kms from Guatemala City.
  • This year due to the Covid19 pandemic it was decided to have this level of formation in “Institute for Missionary Studies Saint Paul VI” located in Guatemala City.
  • In this period (propaedeutic period), we introduce the aspirant to a process of knowledge of the Christian faith, following Jesus Christ.
  • Spiritual life is encouraged, such as prayer, the sacraments, popular devotions, and the prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours. A space of silence and personal interiorization is favored, which comes to identify the call of God.
  • Spiritual accompaniment and discernment are fundamental in this period, placing an emphasis on the candidate’s maturity and personal integration process; consolidating their vocational option, and learning the fundamentals about the spirituality and the charism of the Fraternity.
  • As is proper to a period of propaedeutic formation, it is also about doing a kind of academic leveling, so that the candidate is not surprised by the environment when he begins his formation at the Major Seminary.
  • Currently (2021), we have in this level of formation 7 seminarians. They are between the ages of 18-20.
  • Two priests lead this formation program level and are referred to as the Director and Assistant Director.

Level 3 – Major Seminary – Philosophy Studies (3 Years)

See our Major Facebook Page for Current Details
  • This third level of formation takes place in the “Institute for Missionary Studies Saint Paul VI” located in Guatemala City.
  • In this level of our program, the seminarian begins in the Major Seminary (discipleship stage).
  • This is the period of philosophical studies and humanistic disciplines. Philosophy studies provide students in the seminary with a comprehensive view of reality, including nature.
  • At the center of all this process of formation, we promote in the seminarians the capacity to respond to God’s call, in imitation of Mary Most Holy, with total availability to the will of God.
  • It is important that they discover their specific charisms and the harmonious integration of their personality so they come to be configured with the attitudes of Jesus Christ and identify with his mission.
  • We have four areas of formation on which we work for this integration of their personalities:
    • Human-fraternal,
    • Spiritual,
    • Academic, and
    • Pastoral
  • Currently (2021), we have in this level of formation 14 seminarians.
  • Nine Priest support this level in the formation and are referred to as:
    • Rector
    • Spiritual Director
    • Academic Director
    • Academic Coordinator
    • Pastoral Director and Vocational Promotor
    • Confesor
    • Library Prefect
    • Pastoral Youth
    • MFM Administrator

Level 4 – Novitiate (1 year in Belize)

See our Novitiate Facebook Page for Current Details
  • This fourth level of formation usually takes place in the “Novitiate Holy Mary Mother of God” Located in San Jose Succotz, Cayo, Belize.
  • This year, due to the Covid19 pandemic, it was decided to have this level of formation in Guatemala in the Aspirancy facilities.
  • At the conclusion of the three years of philosophy, the seminarians begin the year of Novitiate.
  • This level of formation serves to mature and clarify the missionary vocation as a member of the Missionary Fraternity of Mary.
  • The formation consists of having times of intense prayer, deepening the relationship with God, living in fraternal-community, and having pastoral experiences.
  • The studies at this level address the Constitution and the fundamental documents of the Fraternity, so that the novice will have the knowledge and understanding of the Spirituality, Charisms, and the pastoral fields privileged by the Missionary Fraternity of Mary.
  • Furthermore, this period prepares the seminarian for the first canonical incorporation into the Missionary Fraternity of Mary that comes after concluding the Novitiate.
  • Currently (2021), we have in this level of formation 11 novices.
  • Two Priest lead this level in the formation program and are referred to as Novice Master and Assistant Novice Master.

Level 5 – Theology Studies (4 years)

See our Theology Facebook Page for Current Details
  • This fifth level of formation takes place at the “Institute for Missionary Studies Saint Paul VI” Located in Guatemala City.
  • At the beginning of this level, the seminarian must do his “First Temporary Canonical Incorporation to the Missionary Fraternity of Mary” and it is how they begin the 4 years of Theology studies.
  • The theological formation is the heart of priestly academic preparation.
  • It is the period in which the seminarian deepens the knowledge of his faith.
  • Theology will be at the center of all the pastoral and missionary work.
  • The theological studies have varied branches:
    • Bible,
    • Moral,
    • Liturgy,
    • Social teachings,
    • Pastoral,
    • Catechesis, among others.
  • We have four areas of formation on which the seminarians are formed for their maturity as future ministers:
    • Human-fraternal,
    • Spiritual,
    • Academic, and
    • Pastoral
  • Currently (2021), we have in this level of formation 7 seminarians.

Level 6 – Pastoral and Mission Experience (1 year)

  • Upon successful completion of the levels before, our seminarians are assigned by the General Moderator to undertake one year of pastoral experience assisting in one of our many missions worldwide.
  • After they complete this year and by the support of the testimony of those missionary priests who accompany them in the mission, the candidates await ordination to the diaconate.
  • After this transitional diaconate that lasts from 6-12 months, they are ready to be ordained to the priesthood.
  • Currently (2021), we have in this level of formation 5 seminarians.
  • One Priest leads this formation level and is referred to as the General Superior.   Other missionary priests will assist where assigned.

High Studies of Sacred Theology at Pontifical Universities in Rome

  • This stage of formation takes place in the Pontifical Universities in Rome, Italy.
  • After some years of pastoral experience in the mission, the Missionary Fraternity of Mary asks some of its missionary priests to continue their academic formation in a Pontifical University in Rome.
  • There are a variety of fields of theology in which it is important to have missionary priests well-formed in order to have in our centers of formation the qualified teachers of theology.
  • Currently (2021), there are 2 missionary priests doing studies in Rome.

*** Please consider supporting our seminarians – Click here to go to our donation page. ***

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